Archive for August, 2006
I have nothing to post
It’s friday, and I feel obligated to write something of value for you, the loyal reader.
I got nothin’.
No ideas are coming to me. My mind is a complete blank.
So… you get a bunny with a pancake on it’s head, and you’ll like it.
Here we go
It’s monday, and that means it’s a new week.
Much like the previous week (and the weeks before that), I’m not holding out much hope. This week is gonna suck much butt.
It started around 4:00 AM for me. I had been tossing and turning, waking up and falling asleep since 2:00. I finally got sick of it and got up. Now, just after 8:00 AM, I’m tired as hell, my back is a complete bitch, and I only have about 9 hours before I can go home.
Yay, Monday!!
Of course, I know exactly why my back is pissed off at the world…. I did something stupid.
My wife decided she smelled something “funny” in the kitchen on saturday. A little investigation revealed that there was a dead mouse under our refrigerator. Tasty!! I’m hoping it’s the same one I saw a while ago, scampering along the wall by my TV. I set up traps after that, but never got it (the damn cats keep bringing them in to play with later).
Of course, after removing the mouse, I took a closer look at the floor under the fridge. Just yuk! It’s been a while since I’ve cleaned under there (ok, time to be honest… I’ve NEVER cleaned under there). There was, at a minimum, 6 1/2 years worth of dust and yuk built up (that’s how long we’ve owned the house).
So… I grabbed the damn thing, rolled it forward, and got to work with the vacuum, a scrub brush, lots of hot water and pine-sol, and rags.
Then, I scrubbed the sides and top of my fridge off (the cupboards are built around it so you normally don’t see the top or sides) and rolled it back in.
Everything was fine with my back until I noticed I didn’t get it in quite straight. I attempted to grab it by the front and twist it to the side… that’s when the angry demons of the L3-L4 lumbar came to life and began stabbing me with pure fire.
You’d think I’d be smarter (well, actually, if you know me, you’d have seen this coming).
So today, I’m paying for my indiscretion. I’m out of meds, and can’t see the damn doctor until next month, so I’ll just have to deal with it until then. Perhaps I’ll use this time to reevaluate my brute force approach to moving heavy things.
Oh.. and on a side note: Eve is still much alive and kicking. Yay!!
6 commentsI’m tired
My phone started ringing around 1:00 AM last night.
Our operator who works the graveyard shift was feeling ill and needed someone to cover for her. I made the mistake of answering my phone.
So… I’m currently running on very little sleep, lots of caffeene, and a goodly amount of nicotine. I’m beat.
I’ve got massive bags under my eyes, my back is all flaired up and nasty, and I’m a combination of jittery from the coffee and horibly tired. Oh yeah…. the drive home will be geat (hopefully I don’t wipe my car out).
In other news: Where the hell is Eve?
Eve, my bestest online OMG HOT HOT stalker babe from Australia has dropped off the radar. I’d post a lovely picture of her on a milk carton, but I don’t have one of her.
She was last seen on July 8th.
If you find her, tell her to get her butt back on the forum! We miss her!
2 commentsWhat a day
Today was the day from hell.
Seriously.. Beelzebub was all over today. It was his day. He was feeling good, large, and in charge.
Shit at work blew up. Then… people blew up. As things climbed higher and higher up the corporate ladder, tempers flared higher, and finally, a blood offering was mandated.
I was in the epicenter of thus said shitstorm.
But thanks to the help of David and Bill (seriously… you guys are soooo on my Christmas card list!!), things were fixed, life was once again made good, and I learned something new…
If I tell someone high up on the food chain who’s being unpleasant on a conference call to “bite my ass”, I won’t get fired.