Tone Parsons

Another year (and a bit) has gone by

Blowing the dust off the ol’ blog here to recognize that time has passed once again without any new content. It’s not that I don’t have much to say (I have far too much!), but that social media has been the main distribution point for my particular brand of calorie free mental diarrhea for a while now, making blogging a little redundant (at least for me).

While there have been a great many things going on at Casa de Parsons over the past year, it’s been largely calm with the exception of my mother-in-laws care. Sadly, she’s fallen hard into dementia and managing her care was extremely taxing over the past year. I wouldn’t wish this disease on my worst enemy… it robs it’s victims of everything that makes them themselves.

On a more positive note, my two sons have both had amazing years. They’ve done very well in their personal and professional lives and I could not be more proud of them! My eldest son and his wonderful wife of nearly 13 years have 6 children of their own and my youngest has just moved in with his love… an amazing woman with both brains and beauty! My grandchildren are just as awesome!

With both my wife and I coming from broken homes where we were abandoned (I in foster care, my wife thrown out of the house as a young teen), family was everything! We wanted our children to grow up knowing only one mother and father if possible, and feel as though they were supported and loved. We’ve been truly blessed to be able to break the cycle of neglect and have a real and loving family. I love my dear wife of 34 years (we’ve been a couple for nearly 37 years!) to the end of the world and back!

I haven’t really said much here, but that should do for another year. Here’s to hoping that it will be uneventful, stable, and wonderful!

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Whelp… it’s been a hot minute

Another year has come and gone, life slowly moves forward, and things change.

Positive changes: We welcomed a new grandson, Baxter, into our family May 2nd. He was 7 weeks early so he only weighed 3lb, 15.5oz (that’s a total of 1.8kg for the rest of the world). He spent several weeks in the natal intensive care unit, but finally went home on June 19th and has been healthy and happy since.

We were also able to find long term housing once again for my mother-in-law. She moved into an adult group home that’s run by some absolutely wonderful people, so I’m hoping that it sticks this time (I was very clear with her that if she blows things up again, she can’t move back in with us). Things seem to be going well with her, but one can never really tell. We’ll see.

I was going to put something about getting vaccinated here, but in all honestly, that’s a lost cause. Those who are going to do it already have and those who aren’t never will. There are a lot of reasons for not doing, it, but virtually none of them are valid. You either care about your community or only care about yourself, it’s that simple. Stop with the confirmation bias and listen to the actual experts.

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New year, same crap

2 years into pandemic life and people still don’t get it. THIS WILL NOT GO AWAY UNTIL YOU MAKE IT GO AWAY.

Get vaccinated, wear a damn mask, wash your hands. And unless you work in a research lab doing peer reviewed studies, you’re not “doing your own research”. If you’re just googling for things that back up what you already want to believe, that’s called: confirmation bias.

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I don’t want to do any of that again!

It’s been a long few months since my last post. A lot has gone one.

On December 1st, my guts were a mess. The next day I felt like I’d been run over by a truck, even my teeth hurt. I figured it was just a nasty case of the crud, but the next day I called in to my HMO’s on-call nurse.

She tiredly asked me a bunch of basic questions and didn’t seem overly concerned until she asked if I had any issues breathing. I told her I felt congested with a little pressure on the right, and she immediately started chastising me that I should have called 911 because it could be a heart attack. She was going to call me an ambulance, but I told her we could drive, so she sent me to the ER.

Once there, it took them very little time to diagnose me: COVID.

The nurse came in and began to take a sample by inserting the longest q-tip I’ve ever seen and shoving it so far up my nose, it must have swabbed the back of my brain. I said “thank you” as she was leaving, and she paused. Apparently, I was the first person to thank her for doing that in the nine months since this pandemic has started (I guess most just use foul language?).

I spent the next couple of weeks self quarentiening at the house, wearing a mask all day, and generally avoiding everyone else. It worked, because no one else got ill.

Then, a week before Christmas, my mother-in-law had a massive heart attack. We were told by the nurse that it was the worst she’s ever seen where the patient actually survived. My mother-in-law got angry at a nurse and walked the next day. She asked me to pick her up and I gave her a flat “no, you’re in the best place you can be right now” answer, so she called a “friend” who picked her up and take her to their house. They returned her to the hospital the next day because her condition had deteriorated badly overnight and she was on the verge of death. Thankfully, the hospital was able to stabilize her and we were able to bring her home the day before Christmas eve. Even more thankfully, her insurance covered the first visit (if you leave the hospital against doctors orders, they don’t have to). These same “friends” keep sneaking her cartons of cigarettes (she was supposed to have quit and told us she had). Ugh.

We’ve had to change our diet because of her heart attack to a low salt, low red meat, high vegetable diet. I’ve been cooking from the Mediterranean diet, and OMG is the food wonderful! Our favorites so far are a chickpea salad (I cut the parsley by 75% and add chopped spring greens in its place) and the caprese chicken (perfect as is!). The chickpea salad is quite possibly, my most favorite thing on the planet right now… soooooo good!

And finally, I got my first shot of the Moderna vaccine last wednesday, so I’ll be fully vaccinated in another two weeks (and able to join the outside world two weeks after that). That, of course, won’t allow me to walk around mask free like an idiot, it will just cut the chances that I’ll get COVID again (or spread it to anyone else if I do).

That’s about all I have. Be safe, wear your mask, and be kind to each other.

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