Video blog #2
Since the first one was fun to do… I thought I’d try again.
Have patience with the quality, as I’m using microsoft movie maker (and it’s crap!). I’ll look for a better program for video capture.
5 comments5 Comments so far
Since the first one was fun to do… I thought I’d try again.
Have patience with the quality, as I’m using microsoft movie maker (and it’s crap!). I’ll look for a better program for video capture.
OMFG teh funnehh!!!!!
Heh…I g-mailed you something that might help with getting away from M$ movie maker…of course, you might have already collected the item by now.
Funny post – was the first one just straight vid, no M$ post production?
Thanks for the good responses!
Yes, the first one was just one straight video, as was the second one (with the exception of adding in the laser bit).
I looked at your email, Mike, and now I’m drooling 🙂
Ya need to treat that goatee with a wee bit of clairol..he he he!!!
I’ma firin mah lazah!