Tone Parsons

Archive for August, 2008

An update, for those who are interested

I thought I’d toss an update to my insurance woes out there, just in case anyone cares.

My case with Prudential is still under appeal.  They sent me a letter the other day saying that they should have a decision by the end of next month.  I’m hoping that it goes in my favor, as I’m still not getting paid and my savings is dissapearing at an alarming rate.  Social Security shot me down on my second appeal, and now I have just under 60 days to file my last appeal.  That involves lawyers and court (something I can’t afford).  I’m not sure how I’ll swing that one, but I’ll think of something.

On the medication front, my doctor and I decided to mix things up on the pain killers.  Sadly, the new blend of narcotic goodness is less effective at cutting the pain and now I sleep about 18 hours a day.  I guess we’ll have to go back to what I was taking before.

I do want to thank those of you who have written or called me with kind words of support.  It really means a lot to me!

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I’m still here

Sorry for the lack of posts as of late.  It’s hard to write when you’re not feeling good.

I have, however, been a little busy over the weekend.

2008 AF2 Awards Ceremony

We went to the AF2 Arena Cup Awards Ceremony on Sunday!!

It was all kinds of fun, and we got a chance to see all the people who had won awards for the 2008 AF2 year!

Quite possibly, the best award went to Nick Gatto, the kicker and team captain for the Texas Copperheads.  He won the SFC USA Kicker of the Year.  What was amazing about Nick was that he was born missing the lower half of his right arm.

That didn’t seem to stop him at all though, and they showed footage of him on the field.  Man… that guy can seriously kick a damn ball!

Of course, Sergio Gilliam of our home town Spokane Shock won the Spalding Rookie of the Year award.  Rumor has it that he’s in contract talks to move on to the NFL for next year.  Man… we’ll miss him.. he’s the interception king!

Then… on Monday… we went to the AF2 Arena Cup!

Oh man… what a game!!  While the Spokane Shock didn’t win, it was tied at the end of the game and went into overtime with instant death.  The Vipers finally won it by one point with a final score of 55 – 56.

It was also incredibly loud in the arena!  The anouncer stated that the db level was 109.6 in there.  Damn… that’s concert loud!!

We came home a little dejected because our team lost, and very, very horse (from screaming).  Even though our team lost, it was still a great time!

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