An update, for those who are interested
I thought I’d toss an update to my insurance woes out there, just in case anyone cares.
My case with Prudential is still under appeal. They sent me a letter the other day saying that they should have a decision by the end of next month. I’m hoping that it goes in my favor, as I’m still not getting paid and my savings is dissapearing at an alarming rate. Social Security shot me down on my second appeal, and now I have just under 60 days to file my last appeal. That involves lawyers and court (something I can’t afford). I’m not sure how I’ll swing that one, but I’ll think of something.
On the medication front, my doctor and I decided to mix things up on the pain killers. Sadly, the new blend of narcotic goodness is less effective at cutting the pain and now I sleep about 18 hours a day. I guess we’ll have to go back to what I was taking before.
I do want to thank those of you who have written or called me with kind words of support. It really means a lot to me!
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