Archive for September, 2008
You’re Hired!
I met with my attorney yesterday and he impressed both my wife and I, so we hired him.
I also filled out the final appeal with Social Security Disability asking for a hearing (the lawyer will represent me). He stated that it should be pretty straight forward, since I have a fully documented condition, and gave my chances of winning at about 95%.
He’s also taking the case on contingency, so if he doesn’t win, I don’t owe him a dime. If he does win, he gets 25%, or just over $5,000… which ever is lower (that sounds fair to me!).
He also went over the paperwork with my private insurance disability company and said that they should turn it back on with the appeal I have with them. If not, he’s more than willing to take that case on too! (they said they’ll have an answer for me by September 29th).
4 commentsFor those who are curious
I thought I’d quickly touch on exactly what the hell is wrong with my back. This time with pictures!
This is an image of what my spine should look like. Healthy discs and a healthy nerve sticking out the side. Life is good, rinse, lather, repeat.
This is what’s going on in my back. Notice where the disc should be (now covered with sharp bony growths) and how the nerve is dying. This causes my back pain, sciatica, and neuropothy.
Sadly, there’s not much they can do, except dump tons of narcotics into me to help control the pain (and by “control” I mean make it bearable, not to make the pain go away).
“Back Sprain” my ass!
Comments are off for this postHi Ho, Hi Ho, is off to court I go!
If you’ve been following this blog at all, you know about the problems I’ve been having with both my private disability insurance company as well as with Social Security disability.
In a nutshell: Social Security says that I’ve been treated for my symptoms and should be right as rain (I WISH!!). They also say that I shouldn’t be off work for more than 12 months (um… that’s next month kids!). My private insurance company is staffed by incompetent people who can’t read, and have no idea on medical terminology (ie. they read “incomplete pain control” as “in complete pain control” and diagnosed l4-5 degenerative facet arthrosis as a sprained back).
I’ve had enough. I’m tired of dealing with it all, and I’ve finally done what I should probably have done a long time ago… I’ve contacted an attorney.
I found one who specializes in both my problems (disability insurance wise) and have a meeting with them next Tuesday. If they have more than 2 brain cells floating around in a quart of diet cola, they’re hired!
On a side note, it’s hard to find an attorney who deals with both Social Security and private insurance. I called over a dozen firms (including the one that my step-mother found for me), and none of them deal with both (most don’t deal with either!).
As for how things are for me… they pretty much suck. I was diagnosed with clinical depression when I went to see the shrink my doctor told me to see last Friday.
“Really? No shit!” should have been my reply.
He also suggesed that I get a lawyer, as that will most likely take a lot of the stress off of me. He didn’t perscribe any drugs, as I’m already on enough to kill 2 horses.
So… I’ve done it. I’ll let you know how things work out