Tone Parsons

Another year (and a bit) has gone by

Blowing the dust off the ol’ blog here to recognize that time has passed once again without any new content. It’s not that I don’t have much to say (I have far too much!), but that social media has been the main distribution point for my particular brand of calorie free mental diarrhea for a while now, making blogging a little redundant (at least for me).

While there have been a great many things going on at Casa de Parsons over the past year, it’s been largely calm with the exception of my mother-in-laws care. Sadly, she’s fallen hard into dementia and managing her care was extremely taxing over the past year. I wouldn’t wish this disease on my worst enemy… it robs it’s victims of everything that makes them themselves.

On a more positive note, my two sons have both had amazing years. They’ve done very well in their personal and professional lives and I could not be more proud of them! My eldest son and his wonderful wife of nearly 13 years have 6 children of their own and my youngest has just moved in with his love… an amazing woman with both brains and beauty! My grandchildren are just as awesome!

With both my wife and I coming from broken homes where we were abandoned (I in foster care, my wife thrown out of the house as a young teen), family was everything! We wanted our children to grow up knowing only one mother and father if possible, and feel as though they were supported and loved. We’ve been truly blessed to be able to break the cycle of neglect and have a real and loving family. I love my dear wife of 34 years (we’ve been a couple for nearly 37 years!) to the end of the world and back!

I haven’t really said much here, but that should do for another year. Here’s to hoping that it will be uneventful, stable, and wonderful!

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