Tone Parsons

Transistions and more

Anyone who knows anything about me will attest, I’m a geek.

This isn’t just a superficial label, I’m geek down to the bone. I get off on things like bus speed, pixel per second fill rates, fpu, etc.. Building computers, designing websites, and tracking down the latest news and information that’s technically related… that’s what I do for fun.

So I’m sure it was a surprise to some when I made the decision to shut down the web server I have at home and move to a hosting company. Let me explain the reasons for the change:

  1. I no longer have to deal with the server end or those bastard Brazilian script kiddies constantly making attempts (sometimes quite successfully) at owning my server.
  2. My hobby of maintaining my own server has become like a second job, taking away many hours per week.
  3. I want my bandwidth back at Casa de Parsons (all that damn spam is killing my Battlefield2 ping!)

So, I’ve began the great migration the new hosting service (dreamhost). So far, I’ve only moved a few of my domains (this one,,,, and the last 3 of which are currently awaiting DNS propagation). Things have been going fairly smoothly so far, but I do have a couple of challenges ahead.

Email is the big one.

With all the sub-domains running off of, and all the users on that domain, setting it all back up while making sure not to lose any of the mail on the server is going to be all kinds of special to say the least. Because of the security measures we put into place on the old box, pop isn’t working quite right (you can actually pop, but you can’t send). I’m having a similar issue with There’s a lot of email there too.

There are also a lot of other domains on my box that I don’t own. I’ve set a few of them up over at dreamhost and am waiting for their owners to change the dns with their registrars.

Good times!

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