Tone Parsons

Things that occupy your time

As per Eve’s request, I’ve added another 10 images into the banner rotation. Now the website has even more narcissistic flavor!

And speaking about self pimping… here’s me, as a southpark character:

Myself, as a southpark character.  I'd like the name

The link to make your own (less the custom beer keg background) is here. You can thank Eve over at the Grumpy Old Woman for this one 🙂


2 Comments so far

  1. Eve February 22nd, 2006 11:24 am

    I believe we should have PROOF that you DO perform the Airplane Dance Around The World on the appropriate day, and what better way to prove it than a photo in the rotation?

    Or, if your “prop” is more of a “pff” than a “prop”, then the butt photo at the very least 😉

    Yours, always the ideas girl,


  2. Tone Parsons February 22nd, 2006 3:24 pm

    I’m pretty damn sure that there will NEVER be any images of myself that include full frontal nudity on the web.

    Unless, of course, someone took a screen cap that one time I stood behind my sister when she was doing IRC with her webcam on (she had no idea… until the entire channel started screaming, but by then, I was all zipped up and walking away).

    I’ll think about the “butt shot” though 🙂