Tone Parsons

I’m here!

After much turmoil, I have arrived in Boston.

I got to the airport last yesterday at 5:20 am.  My flight was booked to depart at 7:00, and I wanted plenty of time to get checked in, stroll through security, and get some coffee.

Plenty of time is exactly what I got.

Due to a massive snow storm in Minneapolis, our flight was delayed.  First for an hour, then for an additional hour and a half.  We finally got off the ground around 9:30.

Of course, this mean that I was going to miss my connecting flight, so I called the travel office and had them book a second flight for me.   Unfortunately, they didn’t have anything in first class so I had to book coach.

The flight from Spokane to Minneapolis was fairly uneventful.  They served a wonderful meal of rasin bran with a blueberry muffin and a banana (um… yuk!).

Once I hit Minneapolis (around 3pm their time), I had to to the typical “Minneapolis Sprint”.  For those who’ve never experienced the airport there… it’s OMG XBOX HUGE!!  Since it’s a major hub for flyers, it has hundreds of gates, and the concourses are seperated by long distances.  I had to move my feet to catch my next flight (scheduled at 4pm).

Once I found my gate, I got in line to check in.  The woman running the counter was incredibly cool and found me a first class seat.  The flight to Boston left right on time.

Boston itself I haven’t seen much of yet.  I’m in the middle of down town and am surrounded by very tall buildings.  Hopefully I’ll get to see some of it when I leave to visit the client (which is in about 15 minutes).

Oh… and the hotel that said it had high speed access in every room, well…. it doesn’t.  I have a modem port.  *sigh*  I guess this means the webcam may be limited (if I can get my IT department to fix my username/password connection to work).

More to come….


3 Comments so far

  1. Zipper March 14th, 2006 6:42 am

    I think Minneapolis dose this on purpose just to see how fit the travelers are. Everyone I know that has had to fly into there has had this same experience.

  2. pigman March 14th, 2006 12:41 pm

    Hey Tone,

    I can change your VPN password for you, call me and tell me what you want it to be, or just post it to the entire world and hope the Brazilians aren’t paying attention.

  3. Tone Parsons March 14th, 2006 1:53 pm

    Thanks pigman… but I’ve already got a ticket in with IT.

    I’ll do the things they told me to do, then call them back up if/when it still doesn’t work.