Boston – Day 2 (part 1)
Funny thing last night. After I left the client’s office, I was walking up Kneeland Street to get back to the hotel. I noticed someone walking toward me who looked familiar.
I looked at him, he looked at me, I looked away, realized who it was, and looked at him again (he was still looking at me). It was Ben Affleck. I’m assuming that he was watching me to see exactly what I was going to do (go all “fan boy” on him, walk on by, etc.). I nodded at him, he nodded back. I kept walking.
Things are going well for the most part. We had troubles getting the database server set up yesterday, so we started downloading some rather large patches before we left. When I came in this morning, I applied them and finished the setup. After some tweaks to the startup system (to make Oracle start on boot) we were in business. We’re restoring a backup to it to verify that everything is working correctly, then we’ll focus on the web server and application server.
I did take a few pics this morning with the digital camera while I waited for someone to show up at the clients office (yeah… I was early, but I prefer that to being late). While they’re probobly not very exciting, I’ll present them to you now. Mouse-over for a description, click for a larger view (hit the back button to get back here).
And before you ask… no… I wasn’t visiting Zoom…. they just happened to be next door and I thought that was kinda cool.
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