Turning 40, the review
Yes indeed, boys and girls, I had a very damn good birthday!
We started it kinda early… last saturday night, in fact! My friend Jess and my brother-in-law, David, took me out for a night of cold beverages and hot festivities. We started out at the Viking Tavern, then hit someplace I’d never been before (it had the word “Sledge” in its name… I think), and finally ended up at the Blue Spark.
A few words about the Blue Spark… I am far too damn old to go there. It’s full of people between 21 and 25. When we were there, I went to the bar to get some beverages, a shot of Jagermeister for my brother-in-law, some ice water with lemon for Katie (she was driving), and a cold and frosty pint of Deschutes Black Butte Porter for myself. After getting the drinks, paying the very nice bartender, and turning around, I was asaulted.
Actually, I was molested.
Some young thing put both her hands on my chest and started kneading me.
All I could think to do was yell “Woah… hey!! Um.. Hi” and then wandered off to drink my beer (I am married after all). Apparently, that wasn’t the reaction she was looking for and she wandered off (presumably to go fondle another guy).
But enough about that… on to the birthday proper!
They threw a party for me at work (which was very damn nice of them!), complete with presents (beer, coffee, etc) and ice cream sundaes.
When I got home, my wife had gotten me a dozen roses of various colors, some beautiful daiseys (they had been dyed different colors) and a balloon boquet. Sure… not very manly… but some guys like flowers (I do… I’m also 6’4″ and 225 pounds and have no problems pounding your head through your ass if you start with the “omg fag!” bit).
I also got (in addition to the watch I posted earler), a Dymo labeler (because I have a billion power adaptors and they’re hard to tell apart), a Norelco grooming kit (for keeping myself all tidy and such), and a very cool cordless LED worklight (the LightStorm… very VERY damn bright).
It was a good day! š
4 comments4 Comments so far
You forgot to mention the beautiful rendition of Happy Birthday performed long distance from your favorite mother in law. Glad you had a good one.
You have a beautiful singing voice!
Or not š
Yes, I recieved a great many phone calls, and in every single case, the person (or people) on the other end felt the driving need to sing to me.
It was great!!
OMG you FAG…………….FLOWERS? Well I figure if I say that, you will to come visit me in Alaska to “pound my head through my ass!” LOL Happy Birthday Tone. Life begins at 40, much better than 20 ever could be. So Happy Birthday. Tom
Glad your BD was good!
Like your new cube as well!