Archive for November, 2006
Bored at work?
All work and no play makes Tone a dull boy.
That’s why I’m posting these total time wasters!
- Duck Hunt – The old Nintendo Classic!
- Plumber – Um… you plumb stuff
- Strong Bad 105 – Replace Strong Bad? NEVER!!
- Click, Drag, Type 3 – Try everything or you’ll do nothing
- 3D Logic – Connect the colors (I got stuck on level 23)
- Paintball – It’s fun but not what it sounds like
There you go… have fun!
2 commentsT-minus 3 days
I start my new position with the company on monday. That means I have today and two more to finish documenting everything I currently do (so the next guy isn’t as lost as I was when I started).
I’ve written around 150 pages so far, describing each task and process in detail, with screen shots where applicable. While they’re written with the assumption that the person who reads them has technical skills (ie: they can right click, know how Windows 2000 and 2003 work, etc.), they go through each task, step by step, and should be easy to follow by someone who’s never ever seen the application in question before.
At lunch today, the guys are taking me out to the White House in Post Falls, Idaho. It’s a greek themed restaurant where the primary ingredient in every dish is garlic. The food is amazing, the staff is friendly, and the prices are really good ($6 – $12 for the entree). It’s also my most favorite place in the whole world to eat!
Oh… and todays video: How to tell you’ve been married to long! (windows WMV, thanks for the file, Dad!) – I tried to embed it, but that didn’t work so you’ll just have to click the link.
8 commentsBad = Good and back again
Two films that have been edited, one is a good film made to look evil, the other is the opposite.
Yup… clever editing can make anything look like anything else.
Oh… and in a totally unrelated note, can you find the rapist?
It finally snowed!!
We got about 2 inches yesterday at Casa de Toné, and more is on the way. Perhaps we’ll have a white Christmastm this year (usually… everthing melts prior to Christmastm eve and all we are left with is brown ick).
And speaking of the weather… can you say “Brrr?”
Tomorrow (tuesday) is going to be OMFG TEH COLD!!! Of course, it’s not exactly tropical on the other days either, but -6°?!?
I just hope my car starts in the morning! 🙂
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