Tone Parsons

I’ve got an axe to grind (well… I’m getting one)

Les Paul Special II - crazy sexy on the axe!

I’ve decided I need a new hobby.

I don’t really play much on the computer any more (that only took about 20 years to get old for me), and I’m looking for something new to do.

So… I’m thinking of buying a guitar.

Now I’m not going to jump into the abyss that is music head first… that stuff is expensive!  Instead, I’m opting for the safe and sane approach: buy something that’s good (but not great) and see how I like it.  Worst case scenario… I’m out a couple of hundred dollars.

I was thinking of getting an acoustic guitar until I found out that I can get an electric for the same price.  Not only is the cool factor higher, I can wear headphones and spare my family the agony of listening to me torture the instrument (creating that coveted “cat in heat” sound).

I found it in a package deal online for $199 (that’s for the guitar, a crappy amp, crappy bag, cables, shoulder strap, and instructional videos).  Not a bad deal.

I might order it this week.


3 Comments so far

  1. Eve January 3rd, 2007 11:58 pm

    oh. my. god.

    How freaky is this. I was browsing on yesterday, checking out what’s on Usenet (purely looking, that’s all, I swear)and noticed an
    interractive DVD on how to play the guitar
    was listed.

    I thought, “Gee, I’ve always wanted to play the guitar, but can’t be bothered going out to get lessons, and I really NEED yet ANOTHER project to keep me from updating my blog regularly.”

    So, I seriously gave some thought to buying a guitar as well, and still am.

    I did take some guitar lessons in my teen years, and really regret not sticking with it. God, we are stupid when we’re teenagers.

    I just think it’s odd. No, forget that, I think it is so fitting we are thinking the same thing at the same time. We are so of like (albeit bent, at times) mind. 😀

  2. Tone Parsons January 4th, 2007 8:48 am

    I too took lessons in my youth, but never really learned to play.

    I’m more than excited by this, and even more so because my cousin Shawn (aka: zipper) has graciously offered to loan me his Stratocaster, amp, and cables for an extended period. If I like it, I can either buy it or return it and buy something else.

    Yes… my cousin is a damn cool guy!

    And no… it’s not odd that we’re thinking the same thing at the same time. We are very much alike.

  3. Zipper January 4th, 2007 10:05 am

    WOW, thanks Bio.

    I tried to learn many different times in the past but my fingers just don’t bend good enough to get a good position on the neck. I am great at the strumming end but even the Ramones needed more then one cord. Now with what feels like the onset of early arthritis I really have no hope.

    I have found that my ukulele is easier for me and I can torture the dog just as well with it.