Tone Parsons

Archive for February, 2007

It’s not spring yet

We had a little surprise this morning…. snow!

Yesterday, it was fairly warm, the ground was bare, and you could just see a hint of green in the grass. It appeared that spring was on the way!

Foolish thoughts, for sure!

Today, it’s snowing… fairly heavily.

I had about 1 1/2 inches at my house (which gave me great joy while digging my wifes car out and shoveling the sidewalk). There was about 1 inch downtown, and in Liberty Lake (the town I work in), there’s at least 2 inches on the ground, and it’s snowing hard!

Downtown Spokane, at the bus stop Downtown Spokane, also at the bus stop

In Liberty Lake… looking toward the north In Liberty Lake, looking west

Heh… I guess the people who ride their motorcycles to work yesterday won’t be doing that again for a bit.

On the way to work, I saw a car that had spun out on the freeway and had taken out the exit sign for Liberty Lake (I wasn’t quick enough to get a picture). It was held up with two 4 inch pressure treated 4×4’s. Ouch!! Hopefully, the driver is ok (and I hope they weren’t on their damn cell phone when it happened, or all my concern and pitty will vanish).

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Life in the fast lane

Yesterday, my company announced that we had purchased yet another company.

This one was a bargain at a cool $1.6 Billion (yes… that’s Billion with a capitol B).

When I was first hired here, our stock was worth about $3.92 a share. Today, it’s up $5 from Friday at $68.65. Damn… I wish I hadn’t sold my stock at $29.74!

One nice thing about the company we purchased… they’re in another country, so we didn’t have to deal with the SEC on the acquisition (you know you company is doing well when you have to get the FCC’s blessing before buying another company).

So… now you’re asking yourself, what do we do? Well… I’ll tell you… kinda. We offer products and services that you probably don’t use and sell them to companies that you probably don’t work for. If you’ve ever seen the utility guy (gas, electric, or water) come by, and you’ve seen that he has a little computer in his hand, well, we probably made it. There’s most likely a little module (an ERT) on your gas, electric, or water meter… we made that too.

If you live in Pittsburgh, Dallas, Richmond, or one of several other major cities… there’s probably a strange white box hanging off a light pole in your neighborhood… we made that too (it’ll read your meter as often as the utility wants… once a month, once a day, every 5 minutes… whatever). If the utility company drives a van around and it automatically reads your meters… yup, that’s us again.

Of course, I no longer have much to do with the money making side of things. I did in my last position (6 years as a Solutions Engineer). Now I’m a Senior Web Developer (and I’m much happier!).


Tone the ripper (part 2)

I’m still working on ripping my music collection.

596 CD’s later… I’ve made it to the letter “R”. The last CD I did was Roxette – Look Sharp. There is, however, a rather bright light at the end of the tunnel. Once I make it through all the ones in my CD racks, I’ll hit the big ass piles that haven’t been put away yet.

On the a more positive note… I have over 10 days of music ripped so far (253.25 hours). It’s a pity that my iPod will only go for about 10 – 12 hours between charges.

Oh… and for those of you who were wondering about the bus stop saga (like you don’t have anything better to wonder about), yeah… I’ll be at the some one on monday.

I’ll be fine.

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I need a new bus stop

If you’ve read this blog during the past few months, you know I’ve been doing the mass transit gig. It’s been working out for me pretty well, my wife drops me off downtown in the morning, and I’m able to get home fairly quickly in the evenings.

The bus stop I use in the morning (Riverside and Brown) has a fairly rough crowd. It’s a group of guys who obviously do manual labor, and they’re pretty street smart. I knew they were rough… but I didn’t realize how much so until this morning.

Typically, I just stand there, minding my own business. Today, I said “good morning” to one of them when he walked up. This started a conversation that took me down the last road I ever expected it to. Apparently, he and the rest of the “rough crowd” that uses this bus stop all live in the same apartment building, which is just around the corner. It’s some sort of “halfway house” for the state. He complained that he needed to get permission to go to Wal*Mart just to buy toiletries.

I asked why he had to get permission. He replied that he just got out of prison and was on work release. The crime: murder.


I’ve been hanging out with a convicted murderer (and several people convicted of unknown felonies) for the past 3 months?!?

Apparently, he killed someone in Seattle. He didn’t really go into the details and I didn’t ask him to fill in the blanks. WFT kind of reply do you give to a statement like that?

Thankfully, my bus rolled up at that point and the conversation ended there. I have no idea what the other people did… and I’m not asking. I am, however, going to try catching my bus from another stop.


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