I’m back! Did you miss me?
I took a mini-vacation this week.
Ok.. so I only took 3 days off (I’m back at work now), but when you combine that with the weekend, it was a glorious 5 days off… and that makes all the difference.
My wife took the same days off as I did and is probably walking into the same mess that I did this morning: email up the wazzu, voice mails, etc.. What part of “I’m not in the office” do people not get? I set up my voicemail, my out of office message in Outlook, and hung a sign in my cube. I’m sure your problem was urgent, but bejesus people, I’m not the only person who works here… find someone else!
In other news: We went to see the Blue Man Group last tuesday (hence, the mini vacation).
We started the evening by doing something we nearly never do…. we went out for dinner. We went to the downtown Chili’s restaurant because we had a gift card. To say it was horrible would be far too polite. Seriously, avoid that place like the plague!!
Our waitress was either new or could care less because it took forever bring us our drinks, and when the food finally came, it was cold (which means the kitchen got it out quickly but she didn’t pick it up for quite a while). Sadly, we only had about 10 minutes to eat before we had to leave to catch the show, and didn’t have time to send it back. I ate my luke warm steak, passed on the cold potatoes (the cheese in my wife’s steak quesadilla had gone from warm melty goodness to a cold and not so tasty solid).
Suffice it to say, bad waitress… no tip!
We did make it to the concert on time (well, mostly). We missed part of the opening act because I was in line to get t-shirts and my wife was in line to get beer (which is important, damn it!).
The show was very damn good! I’ve seen the Blue Man group once before (when I was in Boston about a year ago), but this was a totally different show. While they did some of the things I had seen previously, there was a lot of new material. They did have a couple of technical problems, but Blue Man is a highly technical show. The only thing I didn’t care for was the sound setup. It was very hard to hear the lead female vocalist, Adrian Hartley (she replaced Tracy Bonham, who left the tour in November). When they covered The Who’s “Teenage Wasteland”, you could barely hear her voice.
Overall though… the show was visually incredible, highly entertaining, and worth every penny! If you ever get the chance to see Blue Man Group… do it!
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