Tone Parsons

It’s all about the music!

This weekend was musical in nature.

My son drove me around on Saturday (it’s good to have a boy with a learner’s permit when you’re not able to drive yourself… damn drugs!). He wanted a copy of Half-Life 2 and I wanted some music.

4 stores and 2 hours later, I had most of what I was looking for: (you can click on any thumbnail to open that cd at amazon and then listen to some samples)

Tracy Bonham - Blink the Brightest Tracy Bonham - Down Here Venus Hum - Big Beautiful Sky

Venus Hum - The Colors in the Wheel Gorillaz - Demon Days (Special Edition)

This is the first time I’ve purchased music from any of these artits. After giving them a listen, here’s my take (each link below goes to the artists web site):

Tracy Bonham: (Blink the Brightest, Down Here) Hands down, she’s now my new most favorite female vocalist! For the longest time, Poe had that distinction (sorry baby but you’re now #2). With intelegent lyrics and powerful vocals, Tracy won my heart… fo’ sho’!

Venus Hum: (Big Beautiful Sky, The Colors in the Wheel) First and foremost…. this band was damn hard to find! I found one album at Hastings (Big Beautiful Sky), and had to order the other one from Barnes & Noble (it’ll be here on the 15th). The music is stimulating, and the lead singers voice and quirky sing style stuck a cord with me. These are must have albums.

Gorillaz: (Demon Days – Special Edition) What can I say… they’re the Grolliaz. My son really wanted this, and I’ve been pondering this band for a bit. The special edition version I got also came with a DVD (extra tracks and their one of a kind videos). I haven’t had much chance to listen to this yet, as my son stole it from me.

So… there you go. Give each link a try and listen to some music (they all open in a new window, so you can close it and come back here for another one). Who knows…. you might find something you really like!


2 Comments so far

  1. Mike S February 12th, 2007 5:59 pm

    Remembering riding with mine on learner permits, I think I’d have welcomed a few drugs at the time. Especially as we lived in a large city with terrible traffic at that time:)

  2. tecbuilt February 14th, 2007 3:10 pm

    If you like female vocalists and slowcore try “Mazzy star” and “Cat Power”. Pretty slow but good vocals. If you swing by I can throw a couple songs on your thumb drive (sorry but they’re wma’s).