Minnie Ripperton has a message for you
She wanted me to tell you the following:
Loving you
Is easy because you’re beautiful….
Making love with you
Is all I want to do….
Loving you
Is more than just a dream come true….
And everything that I do
Is out of loving you….No one else can make me feel
The colors that you bring….
Stay with me while we grow old….
And we will live each day in spring time….Because loving you….
Is easy because you’re beautiful….
And every day of my life
Is filled with loving you….
Loving you….La, la, la, la, la
la, la, la, la, la
la, la, la, la la, la, la la, oooooo…
du, di, du, du, di, do
Yeah… I know, I didn’t have to share, but I do that because I like you (and I’m on a whole lot of narcotics)
EDIT: This post, for reasons I don’t totally understand, has totally fubar’d my site’s theme. Oops!
1 comment1 Comment so far
Boy, those narcotics have seriously messed you up. That has no resemblance to music, but then not much does anymore.