Tone Parsons

Archive for April, 2008

6 months ahoy!

Today marks the 6 month anniversary of my going on disability.

I should be receiving a phone call from my employer’s HR department soon asking me to come in for an exit interview (as company policy says: after 6 months out, you’re fired). Of course, I’ll still have my long term disability, and as I didn’t burn any bridges (actually, my managers like me quite a bit), I should have no problems going back in the future… body willing.

I am hopeful that I’ll be able to go back. I love the company I worked for! The job I had was my dream job (Senior Web Developer), I enjoyed all the people I worked with, and I loved the company culture! It was by far the greatest place I’ve ever had the pleasure to work at!

But enough of that….

An update on my missing medications from the last post. Apparently the postman smoked just a bit to much crack last week, because he delivered my meds to a house about 2 blocks away. They, in turn, drove them up to me (thank goodness!). It would have cost me over $500 to replace just one of the prescriptions (yeah… I’m on the high quality stuff!). All is good in the world!

And finally…..

Yesterday I escaped the house for a while. I hopped on the bus and headed out to the Valley Mall to meet up with my sister and brother-in-law. We started at a place called Wingers (a ribs and hot wing style restaurant) to have a beer, eat some food, and watch the radio DJ interview the Coach and some of the players from the Spokane Shock.

I don’t do ribs, and I’m leery of chicken wings that I didn’t make, so I ended up having the Southwest Salad. It was ok… but nothing worth writing about (so I shall stop).

After we left there, we went into the mall and I picked up a couple of new cell phones for the wife and I. We both got the same thing… the LG-VX9900… aka the enV, in orange. I wanted it because I totally suck at text messaging with standard phone buttons and the enV has a QWRTY keyboard (a little factoid: they call it a QWERTY because those are the first 5 letters in the left hand top row). That should make it a lot easier!

I ordered a couple of 4GB memory cards for it today (from newegg, of course!!)… so I should have them by Friday.


Webcams and drugs and boredom, oh my!

You may have noticed that the webcam actually has a picture on it. I was dorking around today and decided to hook it back up and perhaps start using it again.

The problem is… I’m almost never at my computer.

So… you may see a new image there from time to time. I’ll turn it on when I’m near the PC… but for the most part, I won’t be, so don’t count on it being live. An easy way to tell is to look at the time/date stamp at the bottom of the image. If it’s not the actual time (Pacific), then I’m not there.

Now… let’s talk about drugs. I have been having problems as of late getting my prescriptions filled. I ordered 3 different meds a week ago and they’re still not here (ack… I run out of one of them tonight!). I also requested 2 more be filled (they’re schedule II, so I have to have that done at a pharmacy). I have enough of those to last me until early next week, which generated an email from my physician. I tried to explain that if I don’t order a week ahead of time, I don’t always get them before I run out (and that’s not a good time for me, for sure!).

I don’t think he understands.


As for me… I’ve been my usual bored spittless self. Daytime TV sucks and I can’t do the things I want to do, so I end up sleeping… a lot! Of course, the meds make me sleepy, so I guess that works.

Sorry about the bitching… I’ll try to write something up later that’s a little more upbeat. In the meantime, here’s a song by Venus Hum (a band I love), called Hummingbirds.


Cream that Egg!!

Ok… I’m going to be lazy today and just post a video… but it’s a clever video (if you’re into Rube Goldberg type things).