Tone Parsons

Webcams and drugs and boredom, oh my!

You may have noticed that the webcam actually has a picture on it. I was dorking around today and decided to hook it back up and perhaps start using it again.

The problem is… I’m almost never at my computer.

So… you may see a new image there from time to time. I’ll turn it on when I’m near the PC… but for the most part, I won’t be, so don’t count on it being live. An easy way to tell is to look at the time/date stamp at the bottom of the image. If it’s not the actual time (Pacific), then I’m not there.

Now… let’s talk about drugs. I have been having problems as of late getting my prescriptions filled. I ordered 3 different meds a week ago and they’re still not here (ack… I run out of one of them tonight!). I also requested 2 more be filled (they’re schedule II, so I have to have that done at a pharmacy). I have enough of those to last me until early next week, which generated an email from my physician. I tried to explain that if I don’t order a week ahead of time, I don’t always get them before I run out (and that’s not a good time for me, for sure!).

I don’t think he understands.


As for me… I’ve been my usual bored spittless self. Daytime TV sucks and I can’t do the things I want to do, so I end up sleeping… a lot! Of course, the meds make me sleepy, so I guess that works.

Sorry about the bitching… I’ll try to write something up later that’s a little more upbeat. In the meantime, here’s a song by Venus Hum (a band I love), called Hummingbirds.


2 Comments so far

  1. Uncle George April 23rd, 2008 8:28 pm

    I know what you mean about daytime TV & now that Comcast has taken the Outdoor Channel off I’m almost glad to be back to work. I guess I had better start looking at Dish Network or Direct TV. $100.00 a month to Comcast for 200 channels of nothing good to watch, day or night, is ridiculous.

  2. Mike S April 27th, 2008 1:41 pm

    Got DirecTv and LOVE it!! Sorry to hear you’re not faring well on the meds front. Hope it’s fixed by the time I’m posting this:(