Tone Parsons

Yup… I’m a fanboy

I was showing my wife how to use our media center tonight, and I came to a conclusion….

I’m a total Depeche Mode fanboy.

While this comes as no shock to those who know me, I didn’t realize exactly how much I had spent buying music from this one band until I sorted my mp3’s by total tracks.

253 songs seems like a lot until you realize that I own the same song several times (greatest hits cd’s, remixes, etc).

Oh… and don’t judge me by the Eminem collection… it’s a guilty pleasure.


4 Comments so far

  1. Dad September 24th, 2008 8:34 pm

    Wow, all that stuff will muck up your hard drive and might infect the floppy with a virus.

  2. baldy September 26th, 2008 5:37 pm

    you know, they have drugs for that!

  3. Rob S September 30th, 2008 10:42 am

    Looks very similar to my playlist, are these on a stream or do you just have them on a local drive? I use Jinzora to stream all my media within the house (including DVIX movies and TV shows). Made it easier with the kids so they can watch what they want in their rooms.

  4. Tone Parsons October 1st, 2008 6:36 am

    The music files are on the media box, but I use it to stream to all the other PC’s in my house.

    Currently, I don’t have any DVIX movies or shows on it, but that may change in the future.

    One nice thing is I have a set of very nice RF speakers and the transmitter is attached to the media box as well. That way we can have music in the garage and on the back deck with no wires.