Tone Parsons

Archive for February, 2006

It’s webcam goodness!

I brought the cam in with me this morning and we’re live.

You now suffer the pain I do by living vicariously though my mundane existence!

Yay, you!

Don’t expect anything too damn exciting… I’m at work, and you’re staring at the back of my lumpy head.

The cam should be on most of the time, but you can only expect to see me monday – friday, from 8am till 5pm. Of course, I’m not in my cube all day, so you’ll see me less. You could also see me at any other time if a system has blown up in the wee hours of the morning.

So… the easiest way to see if I’m here is to look at the cam. If I’m not in the picture, look at the time/date stamp is shows on the bottom of the image. If it says something like “saturday” or “6:00 pm”, then I’m probobly not here, and you can stop looking.

If you see anyone from our housekeeping department eating the pop-tarts I keep in my cube drawer, let me know!


Coming soon to a website near you

An old favorite of days gone by is soon to return to the blog.

I took my sons to the computer store last night so they could buy some computer games with the gift cards they had received for christmas. While we were there, I noticed that the Creative Webcam Live! Ultra was on sale for $80.

I had an Intel Pro webcam for a number of years and used to do live feeds to one of my other websites. Unfortunately, when the computer room was being moved to the main floor of my house (to make it easier for me to get to after my back surgery), it got dropped.

So… the live feed will begin again shortly. I just have to make a few decisions on where to put it (at work or at home) and when to run it. I’m leaning toward the “at work” part as I’m not on my computer much at home any more. Of course, this means that you’ll probably get to watch of the back of my head on most days, but oh, what an exciting view it’ll be!

If you collect the images, you’ll be able to see the bald spot on the back of my head grow over time.

Creative Webcam Live! Ultra + Monkey Boy = Uber Dorky!


Things that occupy your time

As per Eve’s request, I’ve added another 10 images into the banner rotation. Now the website has even more narcissistic flavor!

And speaking about self pimping… here’s me, as a southpark character:

Myself, as a southpark character.  I'd like the name

The link to make your own (less the custom beer keg background) is here. You can thank Eve over at the Grumpy Old Woman for this one 🙂


Making changes

I’ve made a couple changes to the blog.

Rotating images in the upper left corner (yeah… I’m a dork) and a favicon.ico that’s totally lame.

I’m still unhappy with the overall look/feel of the place and will be tweaking the CSS to get the colors just right, then I’ll pry just scrap it all and start over.

I do that… a lot.

I just noticed that I typed “pry” instead of “probobly”.  Me thinks I’ve spent too much time on IRC.


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