Archive for June, 2006
And yet more filler
If there were such a thing, it would probobly go like this:
An amazing game!
Arena football is an amazing thing.
I went for the first time last night to watch the Spokane Shock take on the Albany Conquest. The Shock were trailing by 10 for most of the game. Then… in the last quarter, they reversed it and won by 3 points at 49 – 46.
It was completely insane in the Arena.
I’ve never been anyplace so loud. People screaming at the top of their lungs, music blasting, the lights. It was serious sensory overload.
I took a few pictures of the game, click “more” to see them.
5 commentsGeeks + sports = DIV/0
Todays task: fix my laptop.
My work laptop is a Dell Lattitude 610. I’ve got a lovely docking station hooked to a couple of DVI LCD displays (via a StarTech splitter), and a wireless keyboard/mouse combo (so I can move from my sitting desk to my standing desk).
Having a laptop is great because when I’m on the road or take it home, I have all my work files with me (which helps when I get a call after-hours).
Unfortunately, I had a few things that weren’t working on it:
- ColdFusion MX7 refused to launch (who the hell knows why!)
- I couldn’t connect to any of our Raritan IP based KVM’s (firewall issue)
- When ColdFusion did work, the cfchart function refused to work on localhost (a corrupted font).
So… rather than mucking about with it all, I chose to take the easy route:
- Remove all but the base 19 fonts for XP
- Uninstall/reinstall Java
- Uninstall/reinstall ColdFusion
- Tweak the hell out of the damn firewall
Now it’s all happy again.
Of course, I’m going to have to add my fonts back in, a few at a time, to see which one(s) caused the issues with cfchart (I have and use a lot of fonts). But at least I have a baseline now where everything works properly.
Other news: Pure Shock Value
I’m heading out tomorow tonight to see the Spokane Shock take on the Albany Conquest in arena football. I’ve never been ot one of these before, but I hear the games are quite good (and the Shock are apparently ranked 2nd in the league). I’ll take the digital camera along and see if I can get a few good pictures (anything for content, baby!).
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