Archive for October, 2006
Not much to say
It’s monday, and I feel obligated to post something.
I spent the weekend playing Battlefield 2142 with my eldest son. I’ve come to learn the two basic truths of this game:
- I suck at it.
- I can fire two full clips of ammo at an enemy and totally miss him , but if I shoot a single shot at a friendly, I’ll hit him in the head every time.
- If I fire a grenade barrage at the enemy from the APC, the enemy will fall back and friendlies will advance so that they’re exactly where I aimed when thus said grenades hit the ground (yes… I wiped out 7 team mates yesterday in one shot).
But enough about the game…. lets talk about me.
I feel like crap.
There’s a bug going around and I seem to have gotten it. I’m sick to my stomach and achy. Combine that with the fact that my back is a bitch, and we’ve got the winning combo of the day.
Yay me!
Sure, this post sucked. But I promise… the next post will be all sunshine and lollipops!
Exploit a go-go
My son and I have been playing Battlefield 2142 quite a bit recently (yes… I’ve managed to unlock the whole left side of the support tree and am half way up the right hand side as well). It’s a great game.
Yesterday, we discovered 3 things.
- If you accumulate too many points too quickly, punkbuster will kick your ass of the server because it thinks you’re cheating (we weren’t, those darn enemies kept throwing themselves in our line of fire).
- There’s a very efficient way to take out the consoles on the titans (this happened by accident, we need to test it a little more before we tell you how)
- You can get into the enemy’s gen room without blowing up the consoles first (again, we need to test this some more as well).

We’re going to test the second and third issue tonight on a local server, and if we can reproduce the results, we’ll probably notify EA games so they can patch it (while it’s fun to take the enemy by surprise, it sucks when people use exploits on a public server).
The 3rd issue is the one that concerns me the most. My son ended up in the enemy titan’s gen room quite by accident. He was running around looking out the windows. He could have blown the generator up if he wanted to and no one could have stopped him (as the consoles were still up and running so the doors hadn’t opened yet).
I am eagerly awaiting the 1.02 patch (which EA has promised soon). It should remove lag for when the smacktards decide to take the titans on a whirl-wind world tour as well as fix a few more issues.
Yup… I’m a geek.
1 commentToday is the day
Because I’ll do anything for attention, today is the day of pain.
I’m having a nerve induction test performed on my lower back/legs at 1:30. After doing some googling, I’ve discovered the following about the procedure:
- They insert “probes” (read: needles) into my back so that they come in close proximity to where the nerves exit the spine at the L4-L5 region
- The insert another set of probes in my feet.
- They apply an electrical current between thus said probes and time how long it takes the electricity to go from point A to point B.
- This is used as a form of torture by certain goverment agencies as it causes intense pain but leaves no damage (if you keep the current low enough).
Oh yeah… I’m soooo looking forward to this.
My neurosurgen’s office said I would be a “little sore” after the fact. Of course, these are the same people who said I’d experience a little “discomfort” when I had my discogram a couple of years ago.
Good times there… fo’ sho’.
I’ll update later on today (if I can) and let you know how it was. I’m hoping that it’s not nearly as nasty as I’ve been led to believe (because, quite honestly…. I’m sick of this crap).
Apparently, my doctor called in sick (can they do that??). The appointment has been rescheduled for next week. I guess that just gives me more time to prepare.
1 commentMissing grumpy old woman alert!!
The citizens of the internets need be on high alert! We are missing one of our own!
Eve, of Grumpy Old Woman fame has dissapeared!
Of course, I have no idea what she looks like, so I had to make something up (though she provided this image at one point).
I suspect that she got caught up with “real life” in “actual reality” (two terms that don’t seem to affect me).
If found, please tell her to update her damn web page. I need entertaining!