Tone Parsons

Day 4 in the new department: Impressions

Today is my 4th day in the new department at work.

Of course, every day so far has been focused (in part, or in the case of yesterday, wholly) on issues with the old department. Today’s looking like more of the same.

Things I’ve been doing for my department: Flex 2 has become my new best friend. For those who aren’t familiar with Flex, it’s a platform for publishing flash based applications (in the swf format) that use ODBC for data mining. It’s pretty.

I’ve also been looking into the CSS for an extremely large internal website and will probably have to rewrite a good chunk of it.

Oh… the good times (and lots of link goodness)!

Caribou Coffee chocolate mocha granola bar... mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm......

Other news: I just can’t get enough of the Caribou Coffee chocolate mocha granola bars. OMFG!! These are SO INCREDIBLY GOOD!! I currently have two boxes in my cube (as I’ve eaten the other 3). Seriously…. if you like coffee… buy these! They smell incredible when you open the wrapper and taste even better. It’s like crack… with granola!

And finally: Christmastm is only 17 days away. Don’t forget your favorite webmaster while you do your holiday shopping (there’s a list here…. I really want the Samsung!!)


3 Comments so far

  1. alaskaman December 8th, 2006 8:41 am

    They have combined reindeer with chocolate and coffee and granola? WOW sounds like that will make you poop lil pellets like a deer on speed…. LOL.
    On other news. I am in my brand new home on the Kenai. I have one of those fancy new digital electric meters that is remotely read. So stop data mining me damn it! LOL
    Oh and hey BTW as I look at your webcam I laughed, why you ask? Well that look, hand on chin, mind in deep thought, I had to look closley to make sure your head wasnt under the hood of a volkswagon LOL. Take care Tone.

  2. pigman December 9th, 2006 11:42 am

    Welcome to our little I.T. department…. around this time of year the biggest benefit I can see is that we do food! YES .. FOOD every morning.

    It may be fun to see how our hands are actually tied when it comes to do cool things for the customer!

    See ya Monday … don’t remember who is bringing the treats .. but if it’s Fran it will be good.

  3. pigman December 9th, 2006 11:44 am

    oh ya … THANKS for the coffee bar the other day it was GREAT and I have my wife out at this moment looking for same… coffee that you can take bites out of … great idea.