Archive for September, 2008
No news as of yet
I have a few calls into my disability insurance company. As of yet, my claim manager hasn’t returned my calls, so there’s no news as of right now.
They were supposed to have come up with a decision on my case by the 28th of this month. There are only 3 reasons I can think of why they haven’t notified me:
- My claims manager is either sick or out of the office.
- The decision hasn’t been made yet
- They denied my appeal, sent a letter, and my claims manager doesn’t want to talk to me.
I’m hoping it’s one of the first two.
Again, I’ll let you know if I hear anything. The waiting is driving me a little nuts.
UPDATE 11:14 am
I got a call back from my claim manager. The reason she didn’t get back to me yesterday was both #1 and #2 from the list above.
She stated that they “should” have the decision made by the end of next week.
Keeping my fingers crossed! 🙂
Comments are off for this postToday is the day
Today is the day that I’m supposed to find out if my private long term disability insurance company has decided to turn my bennifits back on or not.
I’ve been in appeal since June (they take their sweet time on these things) and I’d like to get paid again.
I called my claims manager a few minutes ago and left a voice mail asking her to call me back. Now I’m sitting here, a complete ball of nerves, waiting for her call.
I’ll update just as soon as I find out what the decision was.
Wish me luck!
3 commentsYup… I’m a fanboy
I was showing my wife how to use our media center tonight, and I came to a conclusion….
I’m a total Depeche Mode fanboy.
While this comes as no shock to those who know me, I didn’t realize exactly how much I had spent buying music from this one band until I sorted my mp3’s by total tracks.
253 songs seems like a lot until you realize that I own the same song several times (greatest hits cd’s, remixes, etc).
Oh… and don’t judge me by the Eminem collection… it’s a guilty pleasure.
4 commentsArrrg!!
Today is international talk like a pirate day!!
To celebrate, every post on this blog has been transformed into authentic pirate speak! Of course, tomorrow, it will all change back to the way it was before (you have to love plugins!!)
Prepare to be boarded!! (or just bored)
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