Tone Parsons

Archive for July, 2020

Keeping myself busy

I’ve been doing my best to not go crazy in this era of a global pandemic, civil unrest, and unbelievably poor leadership. The current best practice: gaming.

I’ve been logging in most days and nights with a familiar group: Myke (my faux son), his brother Matt (a Marine stationed in Okinawa, Japan), Josh (the ever famous “zzottt”), and occasionally my youngest son, Sky. My eldest son plays too, but not the same games, so we don’t see him online much. Together, we’ve been running around like a bunch of asshats in the following games:

* No Man’s Sky
* Destiny 2
* Shellshock Live
* Red Dead Redemption 2
* Far Cry 5
* Far Cry 5: New Dawn

All but the last two allow for all of us to play together (the last two are 2 player max and my grandson doesn’t have the last 3 titles). If you have any of these games and would like to play, give me a shout out via Steam.

I’ve also spent a lot of time on, joking around with the very few who have decided to make it home instead of Facebook (lets face it… Facebook sucks the big chalupa… sideways!). We have a lot of fun there, and if you’d like to join us (and see all the crap that non-registered users can’t), shoot me a message by clicking the “contact us” button on the board and following it’s instructions.

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Filling in the blanks

COVID life is dull.

Locked into the same four walls for days unending, and while this prison is far more luxurious than an incarcerated inmate, after several months of monotony thing I’m starting to understand how they might feel.

I know I’m infinitely better off than the inmate: less noise, rape, and the ability to to to the store, but you get the idea.

So… to fill the blanks in, I’m filling my life with new music (new to me at least). I’ve always been deeply moved by music and have a respectable collection (not the biggest, but at ~13,900 songs, my library isn’t the smallest either). The recent additions to my life may not be exactly your style, but they fit neatly into the pockets of my zeitgeist at the moment, and that’s all that matters.

Saint Motel: A Good Song Never Dies. The baseline of this song screams to my soul!
Gary Newman: My Name is Ruin
I Don’t Know How You Found Me: Do It All The Time

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Cutting the cord, once again

As Facebook as become more than I personally want to deal with, I’ve decided once again for an extended vacation from it. It makes me sad because I have some truly amazing friends there… but sadly, some use it to hurt. Social media as a weapon is highly effective and cuts to your very core.

So… I’ve chosen to opt-out.

What now? Who knows. I have a Twitter account but never use it, same with Instagram. I do have a forum that was my most favorite thing all those years ago, so I’m going to try to breathe life back into it.

That’s all I have for now. Not much, I know, but I’m not exactly feeling awesome at this time.

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