Tone Parsons

Archive for January, 2007

I don’t want to play any more

For the love of all that's good and pure... kill me.


Matchmaker, matchmaker, make me a match…

The weekend has one again come and gone. But oh, what a weekend it was!

Well, ok… perhaps it was fairly low-key and boring, but let’s pretend it was all kinds of exciting fun, plsmkths!

It started early with the crew at work leaving 30 minutes early to go to Cruiser’s, a biker bar in State Line Village, Idaho. If you’ve never been there, let me describe it for you.

They have a garage door on both sides of the building, and when the weather is warm enough, they open them both up and you can ride your motorcycle into the place, park it at the bar (or a table) and sit on it while you drink copious amounts of your favorite beverage (a slightly dangerous thing to do at the best of times). The crowd is a little rough, but they’re friendly enough, and the drinks are very, VERY cheap.

They did have live entertainment, a band called “White Noise”. I would like to say they were good, but that would be a complete lie. While they were having a good time up on the stage, my ears were not. They opened with a couple of original tunes, then broke into the butchery of rock songs. They played the same song (ZZ Top’s “Perl Necklace”) twice… both times, badly.

Just a quick piece of advice to the band: playing stupid loud does not make up for suckage.

My favorite part of their set was when they took a break.

But enough about that. It’s time to move onto why we went there (besides the fact that I loves me some beer!). My wife and I were attempting to set a co-worker of mine up with a co-worker of hers. We have a horrible history of playing match maker, but figured it was worth a try. I’m not really sure how it went, but apparently, they talked on the phone the next day, so at least phone numbers were exchanged (which is better than nothing).

I spent saturday doing nothing much. It was a day of napping and being a total bum. I excel at that! 🙂

Sunday, I had planned on playing my guitar some more (yes, I still totally suck at it), but I burned the end of my left hand middle finger. I decided that attempting to play with a big ass blister on the end of my finger would probably be a bad idea, so I’m waiting for it to heal up a bit before I continue toward my goal of pure suckage as the axe man.

And speaking of suckage… this post was just chock-full of it! Tune in next time when I attempt to write something of interest (and totally fail at it!).

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Saturday = snow

We got dumped on last Saturday!

My wife woke me up around 9:00 am and told me that it had snowed. After staggering around the house (seriously… I have that whole zombie walk down pat!), getting my coffee, and having my morning pee, I went to take a look.

Wow! We got about 6″! (click a thumb for a larger view)
The driveway, as shot from the front door Angie's jeep... all cold and frosty and stuffs My back yard, part II
My backyard, part 1 Icicle from hell! The Trees on the side of the house

Of course, I was more than prepared to deal with it. My wife purchased a monster Troybuilt dual stage snow blower for me a couple of years ago. It’s got electric start, is self propelled (6 forward gears, 3 reverse), and throws snow about 80 feet.

But alas, my thunder was stolen. My eldest son had already used the shovel and dug us out. Then, some smacktard in the neighborhood must have gotten a new snow blower himself, because he took care of the rest of the block.

That’s my job, damn it!

I did get to use it a little though. I cleared a space on the street in front of my house so my son’s girlfriend could park her car and not stand in half a foot of snow when she got out.

Other news: my brother-in-law, David, hacked my cell phone over the weekend. Now I can transfer music, pictures, etc. to and from my phone (the Motorola RAZR V3c) without having to pay Verizon to do so. The phone has all those capabilities, but Verizon locks them all out (they want you to pay 25 cents per image and buy ringtones from them for $2.99 each).

Now I can make my own ringtones and push them to my phone. Yay!

Oh… and one more thing… you may have noticed that I had installed the Snap plugin (which gives you an image preview of sites I link to), and that it’s now gone.  There’s a reason for that.  It totally messes with wordpress when you try to write or edit a post (the images take too damn long to load, and it screwed with the editor when writing a new post).  Sure… it was spiffy and cool and what not, but was a pain, and it’s gone.


Google searches give me joy!

It’s no surprise that I might just happen to have a log analysis tool attached to my domains, and that I might, on occasion, look at the words that people type into google to find my sites.

Of course, this website is all kinds of boring for google searches. All the things that people type in are pretty much in line with the content. But one of my other sites,, is a bit different. There, the #1 search term that brings people to the site is “porn”, and the #2 search term is “dog porn”.

Of course, I don’t have any of either of those two things on the site, but that doesn’t deter them from clicking on it… and they do it in droves! Even though I shut the site down last year, the hits keep coming in (over a quarter of a million unique visitors last year). Sure… that’s not huge for some sites, but for a personal blog, it’s pretty impressive.

I’m not going to post all the depraved sexual crap that people searched for (I don’t want them hitting this site when typing that crap in), but here are the top things for the first 16 days of this month (click “read more” to see it). My comments are in bold.

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